
Showing posts with the label almonds

Vegan News Snippet - Almonds Out Oats In

Welcome to Vegan News Snippet,  I am your host, and my name is Gary. My new issue of VegNews, Winter 2024, is named News/Now, Almonds Out, Oats In. Ben and Jerry's Spring plans to change all their almond base ice cream to oat base ice cream. Their reason is to reduce the allergen profile.    I am basing my argument on one pound of almonds to one pound of steel cut oat in bulk approximately $1.80 a pound, while almonds are approximately $9 per pound.  The loss of almonds would be fiber, protein, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. Oat has more manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and iron.  Almonds have eight times more vitamin B2 than Oat.  But these are not the total reasons for the change. Many parts of the world have a water shortage, and almond trees use more water than farming locally grown Oats.  Locally grown oats can reduce transportation costs.  So, it might look like Ben and Jerry's are trying to save money from usi...