Episode 40 Meat Substitutions
Meat substitution in a vegan diet refers to the use of food products made from vegetarian or vegan ingredients that serve as replacements for meat. These meat alternatives, also known as meat substitutes or plant-based meats, are designed to mimic the qualities of specific types of meat, such as their mouthfeel, flavor, appearance, or chemical characteristics. Common ingredients used in these substitutes include soy, (tofu, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein), wheat gluten (as in seitan), pea protein, and mycoprotein. These substitutes are consumed as a source of dietary protein by vegetarians, vegans, and those following religious or cultural dietary laws, as well as by individuals seeking to reduce the environmental impact of meat production [ 2 ]. Additional footnotes: [ 3 ] [ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ] [ 8 ][ 9 ]. Excluded Items: Whole legumes used as a protein source in vegetarian dishes are not considered meat substitutes for this list. For vegans looking to substitute meat i...